Gabriel Yeung -
The Heiva I Tahiti, a renowned traditional Tahitian dancing and singing competition, takes place once every year during the month of July. The purpose of this contest is to celebrate Polynesian culture through the arts. Each competing dance troupe is composed of hundreds of dancers and musicians (usually in their twenties) who perform on stage in front of thousands of spectators.
The preparation for the Heiva I Tahiti is very intense, as it starts in February with multiple rehearsals per week during the evenings. These practice sessions also facilitate the transmission of culture between elders and younger generations. The younger generations learn about their culture and their identity from the elders through storytelling, dancing, singing, and the making of traditional costumes which are handmade with natural materials. And many young Polynesian locals also find love during this season, as is tradition.
Since its creation in 1881, under the name of Tiurai, the Heiva I Tahiti has been crucial to the continuity of Polynesian culture and has contributed to the reputation of French Polynesia’s islands all over the world. Nowadays, the Heiva has expanded beyond the borders of French Polynesia and has reached countries such as Japan (Tahiti Heiva in Japan) and France (Heiva I Paris).
Bibliography :
Tahiti Tourisme. Heiva I Tahiti. En ligne : https://www.tahititourisme.com/event/heiva-i-tahiti/ [consulté le 20 février 2024].
Surf aux JO 2024 : en Polynésie, les forages pour la tour des juges en passe d’être terminés. 2024. En ligne : https://la1ere.francetvinfo.fr/surf-aux-jo-2024-en-polynesie-les-forages-pour-la-tour-des-juges-en-passe-d-etre-termines-1459499.html [consulté le 20 février 2024].
Surf aux JO 2024 : Teahupo’o avec une tour allégée est « la meilleure des solutions », estime Moetai Brotherson. 2023. En ligne : https://la1ere.francetvinfo.fr/surf-aux-jo-2024-teahupo-o-avec-une-tour-allegee-est-la-meilleure-des-solutions-estime-moetai-brotherson-144 4925.html [consulté le 20 février 2024].
Paris 2024 Olympic Games – from 26 July to 11 August 2024. En ligne : https://www.paris2024.org/en/the-olympic-games-paris-2024/ [consulté le 20 février 2024].
Teahupo’o. En ligne : https://www.paris2024.org/en/site/teahupoo/ [consulté le 20 février 2024].
Confirmation of the organisation of the Olympic Games surfing events at the Te. En ligne : https://press.paris2024.org/news/the-polynesian-government-paris-2024-and-the-haut-commissariat-confirm-the-organisation-of-the-olympi c-games-surfing-events-at-the-teahupoo-site-with-a-proposition-of-a-new-more-moderate-judges-tower-eafc-7578a.html [consulté le 20 février 2024].
Heiva i Tahiti - L’histoire. En ligne : https://www.heiva.org/fr/heiva-i-tahiti-lhistoire/ [consulté le 20 février 2024].